Michael Olea: Rolling hills
Michael Olea: Tibetan plains
Michael Olea: Kham Tibet
Michael Olea: Roadview
Michael Olea: Village
Michael Olea: Tibetan road
Michael Olea: Bands of clouds
Michael Olea: Temple building
Michael Olea: Temple walls
Michael Olea: Street conversation
Michael Olea: Inside my guesthouse
Michael Olea: People and prayer wheels
Michael Olea: Rows of tents
Michael Olea: Panorama of festival grounds
Michael Olea: White horse
Michael Olea: Tagong horse riding games
Michael Olea: Hills of Tagong
Michael Olea: Festival grounds from above
Michael Olea: Looking at the temple
Michael Olea: Top of the hill
Michael Olea: Temple from above
Michael Olea: Spectating crowd
Michael Olea: Watching the race from the hill
Michael Olea: Tagong hill
Michael Olea: Chanting monks
Michael Olea: Branches and twigs
Michael Olea: Horse closeup
Michael Olea: Elderly ladies