Michael Olea: Harbin architecture is influenced by Russia
Michael Olea: Cute couple
Michael Olea: The bride
Michael Olea: The groom
Michael Olea: Shoe time
Michael Olea: Happy couple
Michael Olea: Uncle's got it
Michael Olea: Going on a cruise
Michael Olea: It oughta be a Mercedes
Michael Olea: Black fungus fields
Michael Olea: Oncoming traffic
Michael Olea: Fireworks
Michael Olea: Good wishes
Michael Olea: Chinese custom
Michael Olea: Several hundred guests expected
Michael Olea: It's glamour time
Michael Olea: Getting ready for the photo shoot
Michael Olea: Village veterans
Michael Olea: Flowers
Michael Olea: Fried pork
Michael Olea: Food is ready for the wedding
Michael Olea: Taking a break
Michael Olea: Finest meat
Michael Olea: Village pal and his best friend
Michael Olea: Wanna send a letter?
Michael Olea: Foooood
Michael Olea: Lotsa food, lotsa people
Michael Olea: The proud bride and groom
Michael Olea: His father was a butcher too
Michael Olea: Prawns are a rarity amongst pork dishes