tomzcafe: the gate
tomzcafe: the crowd and the fighter
tomzcafe: the crowd waiting for the action
tomzcafe: two in the family
tomzcafe: bullets
tomzcafe: the loads and the carrier
tomzcafe: a little destroyer
tomzcafe: the complete package
tomzcafe: set of a package
tomzcafe: pointy nose
tomzcafe: certified with stamped
tomzcafe: twin blaster
tomzcafe: exhaust pipes
tomzcafe: 0 and 1
tomzcafe: full rear end
tomzcafe: looking at the rear end
tomzcafe: got the lens but what is the camera
tomzcafe: no screwdriver is required
tomzcafe: the logo
tomzcafe: pointing to the left
tomzcafe: additional two legs
tomzcafe: read the sign
tomzcafe: let's try the cockpit
tomzcafe: the one with propeller
tomzcafe: restraint
tomzcafe: window view
tomzcafe: stationary blades
tomzcafe: the blades
tomzcafe: blades stationary
tomzcafe: not ready yet