Furan: Identifying conductive side and insulating electrode area
Furan: Identifying conductive side and insulating electrode area
Furan: Cleaning Slides
Furan: N2 Gun
Furan: N2 Supply
Furan: Drying slides
Furan: Drying the slides
Furan: A note on safety
Furan: Spin Coating, and my solvent of choice for making solutions: Toluene
Furan: Autopipetters
Furan: Light Emitting Polymer
Furan: Just an empty vial right now..
Furan: Safety, engage.
Furan: Setting up the auto-pipetter to dispense 1200ul
Furan: Toluene being deposited in a vial with PFO-RED
Furan: Heating and stirring the solution
Furan: MEH-PPV
Furan: PFO
Furan: PFO-RED
Furan: PEDOT:PSS - the hole transport layer
Furan: A generous amount of PEDOT:PSS is applied to the anode side to be spin coated.
Furan: Spin time and speed are set.
Furan: Drying the device
Furan: Starting on the cathode side
Furan: Preparing to seal the device - UV cure epoxy
Furan: A generous boundary of epoxy is applied to the cathode slide
Furan: MEH-PPV - our green emitting polymer
Furan: Spin coating the MEH-PPV over the PEDOT:PSS layer on the anode side
Furan: Heat the anode side again to dissipate any remaining solvent
Furan: Cathode and Anode sides, ready to be combined