oof: Biodiesel Disco
oof: Keep on dancing
oof: The altar to disco
oof: The Disco Magic
oof: The hillside
oof: From nowhere
oof: Cowboy Glenn lounges on the tarp.
oof: CIMG1554.JPG
oof: elly, in a blaze of light
oof: The Dancefloor
oof: Rope Lighty
oof: Morning Mist
oof: Trees in the morning mist
oof: General illumination
oof: The tree
oof: lonely coat
oof: Self Portrait #4,236,945
oof: Self Portrait #4,236,948
oof: no sleep
oof: CIMG1571.JPG
oof: gtb rocks out
oof: Magic
oof: Is this really happening?
oof: CIMG1585.JPG
oof: Sutro Tower above the fog
oof: NO WAY!