holland fotograaf: three rivers point Dordrecht
holland fotograaf: Dordrecht harbor
roberto parmiggiani: Natural art
Mandir Prem: 2024-07-02-Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek-0023
Martin Sercombe: Makgadikgadi Salt Pans
water.alternatives: Collecting salt, Hon-khoi-viêt-nam
water.alternatives: Children playing in water, Thailand
The Pocket Rocket: Feeding the Pelicans...
Derekwin: In their Expressions
sasalg: Juan "El Campesino"
holland fotograaf: Goedereede
holland fotograaf: The blue one
holland fotograaf: rays and dancing trees
holland fotograaf: The black-tailed godwit in flight
holland fotograaf: Dordtse Biesbosch
holland fotograaf: OISTERWIJK'S FORESTS & FENS
hhill828: The tedium of nest building
hoanglongphoto: K1508.0614.Nậm Ty.Hoàng Su Phì.Hà Giang.
dwy: 206 - Salt Caravan returning from Salt Extraction Site, Ahmedela, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia 2013
CK NG (choookia): Mr. Huang's II Yangshuo-Guilin 桂林漓江 "人生過客匆匆,相機抓住每個剎那,與我擦肩而過的人和事"
-hndrk-: Michael Raedecker
lorem109: 20210817_142915
lorem109: 20220911_180641
sistereden2: Syracuse #21 * Sicile
sistereden2: L’accordéoniste et son chat
kathyleephotos1: Peter B. Lewis Building
Jean-Marc Vacher: Tropical stars