Minghua Nie: Star escaping from dream
Minghua Nie: Backyard star trails
Minghua Nie: Brighter trails
Minghua Nie: On the night that was too cloudy for star trails
Minghua Nie: Harvest Time
Minghua Nie: Star trails at Rising Sun campground, Glacier NP
Minghua Nie: Longer trails
Minghua Nie: Stars falling over Salk
Minghua Nie: "Smoke" rising above Grand Teton
Minghua Nie: Now, if you gaze for a bit longer ...
Minghua Nie: do martians see the same stars? ...
Minghua Nie: moon glow
Minghua Nie: moon chase (the perigee moon)
Minghua Nie: star trails during San Diego blackout
Minghua Nie: transit