coleypauline: Thanksgiving 2009 menu board
coleypauline: Elaine and Joshua pick a card
coleypauline: Cranium madness!
coleypauline: Marianne found a comfy spot behind the couch
coleypauline: Candied yams action
coleypauline: Salad
coleypauline: Butternut squash soup
coleypauline: The Thanksgiving table
coleypauline: Cynthia and I confer on the turkey's doneness
coleypauline: Party tree!
coleypauline: Yams ready to bake
coleypauline: Michael chops
coleypauline: Choppin'
coleypauline: Sewing up the turkey
coleypauline: Like a surgeon
coleypauline: Stuffing
coleypauline: Adding aromatics
coleypauline: Flipping the bird
coleypauline: Turkey brining
coleypauline: I haz a bucket