coleypauline: The morning of the big day!
coleypauline: Cookies and Current_ !
coleypauline: Tara and I
coleypauline: DSC_3335
coleypauline: Manlio and Mike
coleypauline: Tara and Sean
coleypauline: CNN does that silly hologram stuff
coleypauline: K and I
coleypauline: Trammell and I
coleypauline: We have a new president. Rawk!
coleypauline: Diggness
coleypauline: McCain: stop boo-ing the new president please :)
coleypauline: In front of the big screen
coleypauline: Acceptance speech
coleypauline: William and I
coleypauline: Karen, Elsie, and I
coleypauline: Karen, moi, Faruk, Elsie, Tantek