coleypauline: Mum and Dad Cheng, opening presents
coleypauline: A new Nintendo DS Lite and Brain Age²!
coleypauline: An iPhone for Mum
coleypauline: Scarves made by Irene
coleypauline: Pepple Beach golf shirt for Dad
coleypauline: Cherry tree in the living room
coleypauline: Cherry Blossoms, Day 1
coleypauline: Times Square; where the shopping happens
coleypauline: About to get our shop on
coleypauline: Lines, lines everywhere!
coleypauline: Chinese New Year mall decorations
coleypauline: Mirrored elevator doors
coleypauline: Mirrored elevator doors
coleypauline: Mirrored elevator doors
coleypauline: Traditional Chinese musical instruments
coleypauline: Instruments, up close
coleypauline: Door décor
coleypauline: Door décor
coleypauline: Little citrus bushes about the place
coleypauline: Making plans on the phone with Dad
coleypauline: Dad, driving us to dinner
coleypauline: HK garages look like a car show
coleypauline: Whoa
coleypauline: Lines for the elevator
coleypauline: New specs
coleypauline: Hot pot for dinner
coleypauline: Kev, adding greens to the pot
coleypauline: Delicious dinner!
coleypauline: A gift from China