onnoweb: Spartacus first day with us 1
onnoweb: Spartacus' first close-up!
onnoweb: Spartacus and his toy Trudy
onnoweb: Junior and Spartacus sharing little snacks
onnoweb: Ohh, I'm soo comfy in Spartacus's bed
onnoweb: Stranger at the back door!
onnoweb: Junior defending the house!
onnoweb: Jnuior helping with the laundry
onnoweb: Let's Play Ball
onnoweb: Play with SnuggleBug?
onnoweb: What's happening over there?
onnoweb: Sitting guard
onnoweb: Family portraits
onnoweb: TickTock, play with me!
onnoweb: Anybody?
onnoweb: Squeak waking up
onnoweb: Ohhh stretch
onnoweb: So tired
onnoweb: Stop pointing that thing at me!
onnoweb: Am I pretty?
onnoweb: I Am!
onnoweb: "My, those are seriously big feet!"
onnoweb: Squeak