only1tanuki: On the way to Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Turn left here to go to Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Close up of an undated photo of an Okabe Town Fire Brigade at Joshoin in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A look inside Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers and Sailors in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A look inside Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers and Sailors in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A look inside Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers and Sailors in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A look inside Joshoin, the Temple of Soldiers and Sailors in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Close Up of the Somber faces that represent so many who gave their lives in Joshoin in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: The Old Tokaido on the Old Tokaido Japanese Bridge Art in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Yaji and Kita washing their feet at the entrance of Kashibaya Hatago in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Looking down at the kitchen well in Kashibaya Hatago in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A peek at the Diorama of Okabe Juku at Kashibaya Hatago on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Close up of the Diorama representing Okabe Juku in Kashibaya Hatago on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Kashibaya Hatago in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Approaching Kashibaya Hatago in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Hasegawa Rice Shop in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: In Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: The site of Okabe Juku's Toiyaba on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Closed Today in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A point in the right direction in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A close up of the Historical Marker at the Site where Ono no Komachi saw her reflection in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: The Site of the Bridge where Ono no Komachi is said to have seen her reflection in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Peeking around the corner in Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A view of Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A look at Okabe Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Close Up of the Image on the Historical Marker at Okabe Juku's Toiyaba on the Old Tokaido