only1tanuki: Kabuto Ishi, Or Helmet Stone on the Old Tokaido 兜石
only1tanuki: Monument in Memory of Tokugawa Yoshimune on the Old Tokaido 徳川有徳公遺跡碑
only1tanuki: Almost to the Kabuto Ishi, or Helmet Stone on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Close Up of a fading Historical Marker on the Old Hakone Highway
only1tanuki: The Settai Chaya on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: The Meiji Emperor rested here on the Old Tokaido 明治天皇御小休跡
only1tanuki: Looking back on the Old Tokaido on the way to Mishima Shuku.
only1tanuki: Nembutsu Ishi on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Using a Friend for scale on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Looking back at the shaded Ishidatami on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Yaji and Kita on the Old Tokaido.
only1tanuki: Shaded Ishidatami on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Kumosuke Tokkuri Grave on the Old Tokaido 雲助徳利の墓
only1tanuki: Yamanakajo on the Old Tokaido 山中城
only1tanuki: Yamanakajo on the Old Tokaido 山中城
only1tanuki: On the right track, along the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Yaji and Kita pointing the way on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Another view of the Various Ishidatami seen on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Another Matsuo Basho Poem Monument on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: More Ishidatami on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Yaji and Kita ... Again! On the Old Tokaido.
only1tanuki: Recycling buses for advertising on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A Concrete Jinja on the Old Tokaido 山神社/天神社
only1tanuki: Fire Hydrant Manhole Cover on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Old and New on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A view of Mt. Fuji from the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Monument to the former site of Hokiji on the Old Tokaido. 史跡法喜寺旧址
only1tanuki: 90 Seconds of "The Tragedy of Yamanaka Castle" on the Old Tokaido. 山中城悲話