only1tanuki: Shirooka Jinja on the Old Tokaido 城岡神社
only1tanuki: Remains of Numazu Castle's Outer Moat's Stone Wall 三枚橋城外堀石垣
only1tanuki: Bird watching on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: I (heart) Sun in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Numazu City Fire Brigade's Local Chapter 32 on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Site of Numazu Juku's Takada Honjin on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Numazu Chuo Park's Public Bathroom in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Numazu Chuo Park on the site of Numazu Castle's Keep on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Site of Numazu Juku's Shimizu Honjin on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: The site of Numazu Juku's Mamiya Honjin on the Old Tokaido 間宮本陣跡
only1tanuki: The site of Numazu Castle's Honmaru (Keep) on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Mishima City and Numazu City getting along on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: A nice Historical Marker at Numazu Chuo Park, former site of Numazu Castle in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Monument to the Rokudaimatsu in Numazu Juku... or so I think... on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Kitsune noting the previous approach to Agetsuchi Asahi Inari Jinja in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Agetsuchi Asahi Inari Jinja in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido 上土朝日稲荷神社
only1tanuki: Take Your Crap With You in Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: On the way to Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Osada Finest Jeans Shop on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: "Let's Try Licence!" on the way to Numazu Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Renkeiji's Monument to another Matsuo Basho Haiku on the Old Tokaido 芭蕉老翁墓
only1tanuki: The approach to Mitsuishi Jinja on the Old Tokaido