only1tanuki: Statue of Iwao Oyama
only1tanuki: Another view of the Statue of Kusunoki Masashige
only1tanuki: Kusunoki Masashige Statue
only1tanuki: The back of the Statue of Kusunoki Masashige
only1tanuki: Statue of Katsu Kaishu 勝海舟の銅像
only1tanuki: Statue of Katsu Kaishu 勝海舟の銅像
only1tanuki: 1 of 6 Jizo that guarded the approaches to Edo, this one at Honsenji in Shinagawa Juku on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Statue of Tetsutaro Ishii at the site of the remains of the Shinagawa-Juku Honjin, on the Old Tokaido 石井鐵太郎氏胸像
only1tanuki: A Statue of Yoshida Shoin
only1tanuki: Close up of Kuranosuke Oishi Statue at Sengakuji
only1tanuki: Kuranosuke Oishi Statue at Sengakuji on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Statue of Takahashi Korekiyo 高橋是清翁像
only1tanuki: Makoshi Kyouhei, The Beer King of Asia
only1tanuki: Ueno Daibutsu 上野大佛の顔
only1tanuki: Monument to the Nihonbashi Fish Market at the start of the Old Tokaido 日本橋魚市場発祥の地
only1tanuki: Statue of Prince Komatsu no Miya Akihito at Ueno Park
only1tanuki: Details in the Bronze Statue of Saigo Takamori at Ueno Park
only1tanuki: Bronze Statue of Saigo Takamori in Ueno Park
only1tanuki: Ryoichi Sasakawa and his Mother on the Old Tokaido
only1tanuki: Statue of Matsuo Basho at Saito-An, before he left on his Journey into the Interior 採荼庵跡
only1tanuki: The site of Saito-An 採荼庵跡
only1tanuki: Statue of Mother and Child in the Storm
only1tanuki: 友好のモヤイ像 Commodore Perry Goodwill Moyai Statue
only1tanuki: Statue of Nitta Yoshisada 新田義貞像
only1tanuki: A Statue of Dōgen Zenji on the Old Koshu Kaido 道元禅師
only1tanuki: 「八幡太郎」 源義家公之像