only1tanuki: Yoshida Shoin 吉田松陰
only1tanuki: The former site of Yoshida Shoin's Detention 吉田松陰拘禁之跡
only1tanuki: A Statue of Yoshida Shoin and Kaneko Juzo in Shimoda, Japan 踏海の朝 (吉田松陰と金子重輔の銅像)
only1tanuki: Statue of Yoshida Shoin in Shimoda 吉田松陰の象
only1tanuki: Monument to Yoshida Shoin in Shimoda
only1tanuki: The site of Yoshida Shoin's Disembarkment
only1tanuki: A Statue of Yoshida Shoin
only1tanuki: Shoin Jinja on the Old Oyama Kaido 松陰神社
only1tanuki: Welcome to Shimoda! Face Hole Board 「ようこそ開国の街下田へ」の顔ハメ看板