onizgaex: 樹倒猢猻散。 (Rats desert a sinking ship.)
onizgaex: Friend - Cheese
onizgaex: 你能救救那些椅子嗎?(Can you save the chairs?)
onizgaex: 他正在看著。(He is watching.)
onizgaex: 90度的世界。The world of 90 degrees.
onizgaex: 先創造後毀壞。Devastation comes after creation.
onizgaex: 哪個方向? (Which one is the direction?)
onizgaex: 沉默之足。(The foot of silence.)
onizgaex: 暫停接待,謝謝。 (No reception, thanks.)
onizgaex: 我們輸了嗎? (Have we failed?)
onizgaex: 怎樣的視野(Such is a field of vision.)
onizgaex: 堅持(Persistence.)