Onilad: Saint Agustine Church
Onilad: Busy as it can bee, have a nice week-end!
Onilad: Wish you were here
Onilad: H I T
Onilad: Chamber Door
Onilad: Mahalo
Onilad: "Tequila Sunrise"
Onilad: In Passing
Onilad: Waikiki Skyline
Onilad: Abysmal
Onilad: H B W
Onilad: Wonderful World
Onilad: Splendora
Onilad: Within
Onilad: Soliloquy
Onilad: Para A Todos
Onilad: "You never know what will happen tomorrow. You are no more than a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears."
Onilad: Tender Whispers
Onilad: The Art of Palaspas
Onilad: The Summer Knows