onezilla: sho-chan sleeping
onezilla: sho-chan caught by the flash
onezilla: sho-chan
onezilla: Elena-chan and Sho-chan sleeping
onezilla: pals
onezilla: Shochan on the sofa
onezilla: Chillaxing Cats Mode. #caturday
onezilla: How hot??? Catt Hott!!! #heatingup #summer #catboy #caturday #sunning #thebrushdown
onezilla: Sho-chan loves him some bananas. #bananas
onezilla: T.G.I.C. Thank Gawd it's Caturday. #caturday #catsinmymidst
onezilla: cat-fi hot-spot. #fullbars #caturday #catsinmymidst
onezilla: 眠りの時間 sleepy-time
onezilla: Caturday morning. #caturday
onezilla: Watching the drips. 水ポタポタ見てる。
onezilla: コタツが好きのしょちゃん。 Sho-chan loves the kotatsu. #caturday #catsinmymidst #chillax
onezilla: sunny spot #caturday #catsinmymidst
onezilla: Sho-chan's heating pad. #macbookair #caturday #catsinmymidst
onezilla: G'mornin Sho-chan!
onezilla: Some interesting news this morning, Sho-chan?
onezilla: 眠~ 猫~
onezilla: bad boy was waiting for our return inna big way. #I'llhouseyoucat #feedme #caturday
onezilla: バキバキ baki-baki burfdayz
onezilla: Sho-chan loves colored pencils.
onezilla: You're in the Jungle
onezilla: morning level boss battle
onezilla: 毎朝 every morning
onezilla: Cut to the quick. Sorry Sho-chan.
onezilla: ショウちゃんチョンップ
onezilla: napping
onezilla: where do I fit it?