onezilla: playing in front of ABC
onezilla: pals
onezilla: going to hanami
onezilla: swings
onezilla: Elena-chan is making tea for her mom. えれなちゃんが母の為にお茶を作ってる。
onezilla: かいけつゾロリのへんそうれんしゅうシール。#twoface #playtime
onezilla: Caught in a downpour, took Elena-chan to school this morning and we met her friend on the way. #rain #walk #shibuya
onezilla: waiting 4 a table, we on SF time.
onezilla: Take my breath away.
onezilla: Marsh Explorers Camp. #wherethewildthingsare
onezilla: Elena made a bracelet. えれなちゃんブレスレットを作った。
onezilla: team-work
onezilla: in the park
onezilla: tickle
onezilla: in the yard
onezilla: Breakfast in Sonoma. #朝ご飯
onezilla: Monsters University なう。
onezilla: クライム頑張れ!!!#miyashita #宮下公園 #shibuya
onezilla: 花みち。
onezilla: 朝に娘から貰った。My daughter gave it to me this morning.
onezilla: 昼ご飯
onezilla: out for a walk. 散歩中。
onezilla: パークの時間 Park time.
onezilla: Elena-chan made me a chocolate. えれなちゃんが作って呉れたのチョコ。
onezilla: Party on. Lights out. Forever young. 2013/01/31.
onezilla: Happy 7th Birthday to you Elena! えれなチャン 御誕生日おめでとう!良い七才になりました!
onezilla: 一輪車の練習。unicycle practice.
onezilla: くらいにじいろのくに
onezilla: 近所の散歩。A walk in the neighborhood.
onezilla: Elena at the magic show.