daystar297: signguy . . .
daystar297: View from a New Window . . .
daystar297: umbrella . . . and a woman . . .
daystar297: Some Rest for the Weary . . .
daystar297: a balloon . . . two kids . . . and a train station . . .
daystar297: Sign Language . . .
daystar297: Stairway to Heaven . . . Also to a Notary . . .
daystar297: Use Your Noodle . . .
daystar297: What's Your Sign?
daystar297: where you go if you need a shining . . .
daystar297: "Where Else Can You Get Fish Balls for a Buck?" . . . or . . . "Now You Know Fish Have Balls" . . . .
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: fruit stall boy . . .
daystar297: I told her that I didn't think her hat was hard enough . . .
daystar297: if they only had a better selection . . .
daystar297: another window view . . .
daystar297: coming and going . . .
daystar297: View from a Window . . .
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: Falun Protest Demonstration in NYC's Queens
daystar297: happy to protest . . .
daystar297: Open 24 Hours . . .
daystar297: Coffee Break . . . (without coffee) . . .
daystar297: mother . . . kids . . . and a bag . . .
daystar297: Sign Language (except English) . . .
daystar297: moon over manhattan . . .