Oneoverbeta: Birthday playtime at the park
Oneoverbeta: Nice phone mommy!
Oneoverbeta: Happy birthday Leo!
Oneoverbeta: Wheeee...almost!
Oneoverbeta: the only way Leo will eat chicken
Oneoverbeta: Beating the heat
Oneoverbeta: Leo wonders what Eric is doing?!
Oneoverbeta: this slip n slide is pretty great!
Oneoverbeta: A monkey cake for a little monkey!
Oneoverbeta: our one year old
Oneoverbeta: Happy birthday song for Leo!
Oneoverbeta: Baby's first petting zoo!
Oneoverbeta: All dressed up for Batavia Batfest
Oneoverbeta: A monkey in a monkey suit for Halloween
Oneoverbeta: Fun on the Fox River
Oneoverbeta: Just hanging out on the couch with mom
Oneoverbeta: hanging out on the couch with mom
Oneoverbeta: hmmmm... mom's birthday cake
Oneoverbeta: Leo's world
Oneoverbeta: close up
Oneoverbeta: Lounging
Oneoverbeta: Playing in the bathroom
Oneoverbeta: first baking lesson!
Oneoverbeta: Peek-a-boo fun
Oneoverbeta: Leo likes his new table and chairs
Oneoverbeta: Santa's present!
Oneoverbeta: Eric's gift for the family
Oneoverbeta: Getting great at the spoon!
Oneoverbeta: Opening presents
Oneoverbeta: Leo likes his present from Eric