Oneoverbeta: 5 months old!
Oneoverbeta: Jumper!
Oneoverbeta: I can stand by myself!
Oneoverbeta: Thanks for visiting, Poppy!
Oneoverbeta: Reading his Valentine's day card
Oneoverbeta: Holding my bottle
Oneoverbeta: Brotherly fun
Oneoverbeta: Belly laugh
Oneoverbeta: En garde!
Oneoverbeta: Sympathetic mouth-opening
Oneoverbeta: I love food!
Oneoverbeta: In the snow
Oneoverbeta: My new blanket!
Oneoverbeta: A rare photo with Mom
Oneoverbeta: All smiles
Oneoverbeta: Ugh, avocados. (Even though he liked them the 4 previous times)
Oneoverbeta: With Nanny
Oneoverbeta: Watching hockey practice