Oneoverbeta: 1st birthday cake
Oneoverbeta: Don't touch me, cake
Oneoverbeta: Family celebrates
Oneoverbeta: Birthday presents!
Oneoverbeta: Are these for me?
Oneoverbeta: Oooh, shapes in a cow!
Oneoverbeta: Cooking
Oneoverbeta: New bath toy!
Oneoverbeta: More presents!
Oneoverbeta: Presents are good for standing
Oneoverbeta: Playing with my train whistles
Oneoverbeta: I still like mom and dad's bed
Oneoverbeta: One year old!
Oneoverbeta: Playing coy
Oneoverbeta: New table!
Oneoverbeta: New chair!
Oneoverbeta: Watching history
Oneoverbeta: First time sledding!
Oneoverbeta: Eric mows the hall
Oneoverbeta: Helping Daddy pack
Oneoverbeta: If I told you once, I told you a thousand times...
Oneoverbeta: Snowballs!
Oneoverbeta: That's one big snowball
Oneoverbeta: Cooking!
Oneoverbeta: Walking in Ferney-Voltaire
Oneoverbeta: By the lake
Oneoverbeta: Walking in the park
Oneoverbeta: I love a little house
Oneoverbeta: Eric loves to swing
Oneoverbeta: By Lake Geneva