Oneoverbeta: View from the Santa Fe Institute
Oneoverbeta: My room
Oneoverbeta: The Santa Fe Plaza
Oneoverbeta: The Plaza
Oneoverbeta: Museum of Fine Arts?
Oneoverbeta: Bandelier National Monument
Oneoverbeta: More ruins
Oneoverbeta: In the cliff dwellings
Oneoverbeta: Cooling off
Oneoverbeta: Science writers on hike
Oneoverbeta: Slightly artistic
Oneoverbeta: Clambering
Oneoverbeta: Within the rocks
Oneoverbeta: Top of the ladder
Oneoverbeta: Real photographers
Oneoverbeta: Strolling along
Oneoverbeta: I love the southwest
Oneoverbeta: The Alcove House
Oneoverbeta: Me at Bandelier National Monument
Oneoverbeta: Unnecessary?
Oneoverbeta: Another Alcove House shot
Oneoverbeta: Hiking group
Oneoverbeta: Science writers wait patiently
Oneoverbeta: Lots o' ladders