Luis Mendo: While Anton does his gym, I do meditation in another room #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: And today he taught me how to gym while he ate a bowl of cereals. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: We've found a lovely place in Meguro with a great terrace. We are keeping our fingers crossed in the hope to get it. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Yesterday we went for a little sketch crawl with @adehogan and his girl Haruko. We had so much fun. #tyoadventuretime #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: We went sketching at this beautiful garden roof, between the buildings in Ginza. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Yesterday we spent most of the day working in a cafe. After we realised we had 12 electronic devices with us, we thought we were 'normal'. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: There was a big thunderstorm and rained quite hard towards the end of the day. The result was a less hot and much nicer weather. Welcome, rain! #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Anton ordered a soup again to become a little disappointed since the quantity of soup vs the quantity of bread differs quite a bit to what you'd get in Amsterdam. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: The other day we did a long walk making the mistake of doing the heavy fruit shopping at the beginning. We arrived exhausted. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Woke up to a nightmare of Anton and me living in the streets and couldn't shake it off me for the whole morning. This finding a house business is quite nerve wrecking. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: To fight the depression I went shopping to POSTALCO and the lady there recognised me after a couple of years. I'm amazed how many people in shops work there for years and still remember the costumers. The other day in the fountain pen shop there was a cle
Luis Mendo: We went to see Pacific Rim in the evening. So much CG visuals in one go. Fun! #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: The Japanese are extremely polite public in the cinema. They rarely make a sound and stay until the last credit roll up the screens. Of course I had to be different and couldn't silence my happiness when amiguete Santiago Segura appeared. Ha ha! #tyoadven
Luis Mendo: When the film is over, people orderly leave the space and take all their rubbish with them. The theatre remains clean. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Another day, another house hunting chance. For this, we charge up with some delicious ramen and gyoza for a great price. It's true: Tokyo is not expensive if you know your ways. #tyoadventuretime
Luis Mendo: Several house visits later leaves us with a dilemma. We might get a house we feel in love with in Meguro (still waiting for approval) or we could move in to Nishi Azabu. A zone I'm not so keen on living at since there's too many expats and fancy restauran