One more shot Rog: Thirsty Baboon dribbles from a red earth waterhole in Tsavo, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Thirsty Olive Baboon drinks from a red earth waterhole in Tsavo, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: African Bull Elephant Tuskers dusty fight for supremacy of the herd. Tsavo, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: African Bull Elephants dusty clash for the right to be the dominant male, Tsavo, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Maasai Giraffe's long tongue and blooded lip, carefully find a way around the sharp thorns of a tasty Acacia tree.
One more shot Rog: Maasai Giraffe's long tongue and blooded lip, find their way around the sharp thorns of a tasty Acacia tree
One more shot Rog: Maasai Giraffe's long tongue and blooded lip, find their way around the sharp thorns of a tasty Acacia tree.
One more shot Rog: Female Lion guarding the prides Buffalo Kill.
One more shot Rog: Blood tastes better than this air!
One more shot Rog: Female Lion with Buffalo Kill in Tsavo, Kenya, guards the carcass from other predators.
One more shot Rog: Male Tusker face-on at Tsavo National Park.
One more shot Rog: Big Bull Elephant's close-up glare!
One more shot Rog: Bull Elephant's duster!
One more shot Rog: Heads (Tusk, Trunk) and Tails.
One more shot Rog: Waterbuck leading Zebras to a waterhole at Taita Hills, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Waterbucks at Taita Hills, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Waterbucks showing distinctive white circle on rear.
One more shot Rog: Male infant Baboon at Baobab, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: "When the hell did he go this time?"
One more shot Rog: Infant Baboon at Baobab, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Massai girl adorning colourful and traditional dress. South Mombasa, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Maasai group at Baobab Beach Resort, Ukunda, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Maasai group at Baobab Beach Resort, Diani, Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Maasai Giraffe in a Tsavo National Park, East Kenya.
One more shot Rog: Black and White Colobus Monkeys feeding.
One more shot Rog: Cry of a Colobus Monkey high up in the tree canopy.
One more shot Rog: Black and White Colobus Monkeys high up in the treetops.
One more shot Rog: High in the tree canopy....a Sleeping Colobus Monkey.
One more shot Rog: "Oh shit! - that bloody spots come up again!"
One more shot Rog: "For god sake hurry up! - I want to eat my coconut!"