One Last Cast Photography: Arctic Grayling
One Last Cast Photography: Nearing the ridge
One Last Cast Photography: Spanish Mine Marker
One Last Cast Photography: Old Miners Cabin Remains
One Last Cast Photography: Gorgeous little brookie
One Last Cast Photography: Spots and halos a plenty
One Last Cast Photography: Milky Way begins to appear just after twilight
One Last Cast Photography: Milky Way through the pines
One Last Cast Photography: Clouds over Fish Lake
One Last Cast Photography: Rod and Sand Lake
One Last Cast Photography: Taking in the scenery
One Last Cast Photography: Campsite under the stars
One Last Cast Photography: Tent and Milky Way
One Last Cast Photography: Colored up Brookie that took a Royal Stimulator
One Last Cast Photography: Deep colors on this guy
One Last Cast Photography: Massive dead pine tree. My buddy is 6'6"
One Last Cast Photography: This was the gradual game trail we followed in and out of the basin
One Last Cast Photography: Some amazing views on the hike out of the basin