onekgguy: Let's begin!
onekgguy: A little soft...
onekgguy: Day 2
onekgguy: Day 2
onekgguy: Workaround
onekgguy: Ready for poly and landscape rock
onekgguy: Making progress
onekgguy: Joists are being added
onekgguy: We need more lumber!
onekgguy: Ready for insulation
onekgguy: Foam insulation applied
onekgguy: The floor is capped
onekgguy: Major surgery
onekgguy: Getting it just so
onekgguy: The 1st of many
onekgguy: Like a hot knife through butter
onekgguy: Calling it a day...
onekgguy: Waiting for the rain
onekgguy: Some heavy lumber
onekgguy: Rafters going up
onekgguy: Coming together
onekgguy: A view from our bedroom window
onekgguy: One heavy beam!
onekgguy: Largest beam being placed
onekgguy: Profile
onekgguy: Scrap
onekgguy: A storm approaches
onekgguy: A "cool roof"
onekgguy: This so intrigues me