one beach: How to stay warm during the winter
one beach: Some of the backyard visitors
one beach: Hello. Whatyadoin?
one beach: Ready. Set....
one beach: Nibble..nibble..nibble
one beach: Nibble...nibble
one beach: Nibble
one beach: Speed
one beach: Where?
one beach: Eating corn
one beach: Eating Corn
one beach: Evil Red Eye Squirrel
one beach: No.No.No.
one beach: Lilac bush with snow
one beach: black and white lilac bush
one beach: Dinner time
one beach: It's been snowing all day
one beach: watching
one beach: munching
one beach: Don't look....there's two of them
one beach: Six inches of snow
one beach: Almost covered up
one beach: Snow on the picnic table
one beach: Scrub Jay gathering peanuts
one beach: Stellar Jay front
one beach: Stellar Jay
one beach: Stellar Jay back
one beach: Stellar Jay with peanuts
one beach: Tomatoes and cucumbers
one beach: Squash, onions and pumpkins