one_happy_cookie87: practice graduation cookie done in my high school colors :)
one_happy_cookie87: our first official graduation platter at my work for the 2010 grad season its a mixed variety cookie platter!
one_happy_cookie87: grad cookie order colors purple&white
one_happy_cookie87: grad cookie order colors purple&white
one_happy_cookie87: graduation platter black w/purple&white tassles school unknown
one_happy_cookie87: photo of 2 different grad orders side by side showing use of different cookie cutters and color combos
one_happy_cookie87: all in a days work 2 different grad orders plus 5 dozen flavored cookies behind the twist tie machine lol 9 dozen total cookies today plus an order of a dozen snickerdoodles that were already picked up today before these were done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high school grad cookies
one_happy_cookie87: boylan catholic high scool graduation platter
one_happy_cookie87: grad order platter 1 going to same event!
one_happy_cookie87: cookie trays april 16th 2010 007
one_happy_cookie87: cookies 007
one_happy_cookie87: cookies 011
one_happy_cookie87: july 8th 2010 grad order
one_happy_cookie87: july 8th 2010 grad order