Marcelo Taube: New York watertowers
Marcelo Taube: Empire State of NY
Marcelo Taube: New York Rush 2
Marcelo Taube: NYC Rainy Night
Marcelo Taube: UN General Assembly Room
Marcelo Taube: Grand Central NY
Marcelo Taube: Radio Gaga
Marcelo Taube: The lion
Marcelo Taube: T.Rex at the NY Museum of Natural History
Marcelo Taube: Phone Booth ate NYPL
Marcelo Taube: Vintage Manhatan
Marcelo Taube: Top of the Rock HDR
Marcelo Taube: Lady Liberty
Marcelo Taube: Rococó NY
Marcelo Taube: NY Noir
Marcelo Taube: Rockefeller B&W - NY
Marcelo Taube: Top of the Rock B&W - NY
Marcelo Taube: Dusk at the Top of the Rock - NY
Marcelo Taube: Dusk at the Top of the Rock - NY
Marcelo Taube: Dusk at the Top of the Rock - NY
Marcelo Taube: Dusk at the Top of the Rock - NY
Marcelo Taube: The Gull - NY
Marcelo Taube: Torpedo NY
Marcelo Taube: MoMA - nY - Rule of Thirds
Marcelo Taube: Silhouette at the Window - MoMA - NY
Marcelo Taube: MoMA - NY
Marcelo Taube: Triple Elvis at MoMA - NY
Marcelo Taube: NY shades