Omygodtom: One leg, One Wing.Handicapped Wild life.
Omygodtom: One leg,D7000,55-200mm.
Omygodtom: Please.Dog,Food,Portland.
Omygodtom: Natures Oddeties.
Omygodtom: Saturday morning Flash.
Omygodtom: Big Feet.
Omygodtom: To Full to move.
Omygodtom: I'm trying to sleep.
Omygodtom: Nature's Handy Cap.
Omygodtom: My old friend Stumpy.
Omygodtom: Coming in Hot.
Omygodtom: WTF.
Omygodtom: Eye Catcher Green.
Omygodtom: Naturaly Bent.
Omygodtom: Those Eye,s.
Omygodtom: Missing parts.
Omygodtom: Missing parts 2.
Omygodtom: One Ear Wonder.
Omygodtom: Missing One.
Omygodtom: Wheel,s of Life.
Omygodtom: Expecting.
Omygodtom: Missing Ear.
Omygodtom: Wind.
Omygodtom: Hinged.
Omygodtom: Missing parts.
Omygodtom: Day Worker.
Omygodtom: Interesting Portrait.