Omii Todarmal: One Lonely Path
Omii Todarmal: Small Steps...!
Omii Todarmal: Playing In Sea....
Omii Todarmal: Attempt of Photography
Omii Todarmal: Attempt Of Photography
Omii Todarmal: New Year Celebration at Marine Drive.
Omii Todarmal: New Year Celebration at Marine Drive
Omii Todarmal: Marine Drive,Mumbai
Omii Todarmal: The Light of Hopes
Omii Todarmal: Heaven On Earth....
Omii Todarmal: Speeding Light Trails.
Omii Todarmal: Test Shot with new Extension Tube
Omii Todarmal: “Have you ever watched a leaf leave a tree? It falls upward first, and then it drifts toward the ground, just as I find myself drifting towards you.” ― Beth Kephart, Undercover.
Omii Todarmal: Timelaps at Marine