おめやげ: Wall.E?
おめやげ: Wall... E!
おめやげ: Wall.EEE!!!
おめやげ: Wall.E discovers Canon 450D
おめやげ: Attack of the blue bokeh!!!
おめやげ: Pocky! Pocky! Pocky!
おめやげ: Wall..ke?
おめやげ: いちご! Wall.E
おめやげ: Caught you Pocky Handed Wall.E...
おめやげ: Wall.E likes Green Tea KitKat
おめやげ: My Precious! Oh my Precious!
おめやげ: Have a Break. Have a Grean Tea KitKat.
おめやげ: Can't get enough!!!
おめやげ: Wall.E hogs the Camera
おめやげ: Wall.E Wall.E Wall.E
おめやげ: Wall.E wants candy!
おめやげ: Bahahhaha
おめやげ: Wall.E Trolli Hot Dog
おめやげ: Wall.E wants more!
おめやげ: waaaaAALLLLL.E!
おめやげ: Pretty Lights
おめやげ: Wall.E no power
おめやげ: Wall.E Situp
おめやげ: Camouflage Wall.E
おめやげ: Wall.E Glow~
おめやげ: Wall.E