endolith: squeezed tenney height
endolith: odd limit
endolith: prime limit is less useful
endolith: benedetti height
endolith: tenney height
endolith: tenny height concept
endolith: kees height
endolith: JI multitouch interface
endolith: clarinet vs violin M3
endolith: Dissonance curve of sawtooth wave vs square wave
endolith: estimating inharmonicity
endolith: Consonance map of triads, 2 octaves
endolith: Consonance map triads 1 octave
endolith: Consonance map of triads of sawtooth waves
endolith: Consonance map of triads with odd harmonics only
endolith: Chord map single octave 6 odd harmonics only log
endolith: Chord map single octave 7 even harmonics only log
endolith: Chord map single octave 7 even and odd harmonics log
endolith: down and up 1 octave log scale
endolith: chord map 500 lin scale
endolith: Dissonance vs frequency (20 kHz, 0.88x, product method)
endolith: Dissonance vs frequency (14 harmonics)
endolith: Single octave - Just intonation vs 12-tone equal temperament
endolith: Several octaves - Euler's "gradus suavitatis" (degree of sweetness)
endolith: Single octave - Euler's "gradus suavitatis" (degree of sweetness)
endolith: Single octave visualization in Processing
endolith: intervals
endolith: rings with fraction lines
endolith: with log-scaled hv
endolith: Opacity octave