endolith: 4 million samples
endolith: randomorg_2012-04-21
endolith: 65k with TimerOne disabled bitmap
endolith: 65k with TimerOne disabled histogram
endolith: 65k samples, watchdog xorshifted, TimerOne disabled
endolith: 1335921722out
endolith: timerone disabled raw no xorshift hist
endolith: timerone disabled no xorshift plot
endolith: watchdog samples xorshifted
endolith: 65536 samples watchdog xorshifted histogram
endolith: 65536 samples watchdog xorshifted plot
endolith: weeee
endolith: what is this I don't even
endolith: output 124
endolith: 65536 samples from watchdog timer with reset histogram
endolith: 65536 samples from watchdog timer with reset
endolith: watchdog timer 16 ms interrupts
endolith: watchdog timer 64 ms interrupts
endolith: raw
endolith: temperature sensor vs AVCC contrast stretched
endolith: temperature sensor vs AVCC image
endolith: temperature sensor vs AVCC histogram
endolith: temperature sensor vs AVCC plot
endolith: TrueRandom
endolith: TrueRandom histogram
endolith: TrueRandom
endolith: /dev/urandom no clustering
endolith: TrueRandom clustering at powers of 2
endolith: TrueRandom clustering around powers of 2
endolith: wider colors