omarrun: Fall Dandelion - Leodonton autumnalis - Skarifífill
omarrun: Fall Dandelion - Leodonton autumnalis - Skarifífill
omarrun: Fall Dandelion - Leodonton autumnalis - Skarifífill
omarrun: Fall Dandelion - Leodonton autumnalis - Skarifífill
omarrun: Beach Pea - Baunagras - Lathyrus japonicus
omarrun: Beach Pea - Baunagras - Lathyrus japonicus
omarrun: Dwarf marsh violet - Viola epipsila - Birkifjóla
omarrun: Tall Buttercup - Ranunculus acris - Brennisóley
omarrun: Kidney vetch and Thyme - Anthyllis vulneraria and Thymus praecox - Gullkollur og Blóðberg
omarrun: Sea thrift - Armeria maritima - Geldingahnappur
omarrun: Sea Campion - Silene uniflora - Holurt
omarrun: Oysterleaf and Seaside Sandplant - Mertensia maritima and Honckenya peploides - Blálilja og fjöruarfi
omarrun: Oysterleaf - Mertensia maritima - Blálilja
omarrun: Gold moss - Sedum acre - Helluhnoðri
omarrun: Arctic Sea Rocket - Cakile arctica - Fjörukál
omarrun: Gold moss - Sedum acre - Helluhnoðri
omarrun: Northern green orchid - Platanthera hyperborea - Friggjargras
omarrun: Green-bracted orchid - Coeloglossum viride - Barnarót
omarrun: Burnet rose - Rosa pimpinellifolia - Þyrnirós
omarrun: Alpine Bartsia - Bartsia alpina - Smjörgras
omarrun: Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. islandica - Brönugras
omarrun: Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. islandica - Brönugras
omarrun: Glacier crowfoot - Ranunculus glacialis - Jöklasóley
omarrun: Alpine Bistort - Bistorta vivipara - Kornsúra
omarrun: Alpine Catchfly - Lychnis alpina - Ljósberi
omarrun: Alpine Catchfly - Lychnis alpina - Ljósberi
omarrun: Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. islandica - Brönugras and Green Orchid
omarrun: Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. islandica - Brönugras
omarrun: Alpine Bartsia - Bartsia alpina - Smjörgras
omarrun: Buckbean - Menyanthes trifoliata - Horblaðka