nelson.kamo83: The empty lot (Staked off the footprint of the house)
nelson.kamo83: The empty lot (Staked off the footprint of the house)
nelson.kamo83: The empty lot
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: Bulldozer
nelson.kamo83: Drag'in wagon
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: From the street
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: The hole
nelson.kamo83: Dump truck hauling away the excess dirt
nelson.kamo83: The hole for my new neighbors
nelson.kamo83: The concrete wall forms
nelson.kamo83: All the dirt
nelson.kamo83: The lot has been leveled
nelson.kamo83: The freshly dug hole
nelson.kamo83: Footings under the mud
nelson.kamo83: The (muddy) footings and Foundation
nelson.kamo83: The (muddy) footings and Foundation
nelson.kamo83: No basement under this part
nelson.kamo83: One of the footings
nelson.kamo83: The back of "One of the footings"
nelson.kamo83: The Foundation has been poured in the footings.