Sunburnt Tiger: Je ne suis pas Anglais!
Sunburnt Tiger: Skull & Cross Bones
Sunburnt Tiger: Tea, anybody?
Sunburnt Tiger: The Welsh Dragon
Sunburnt Tiger: Converse
Sunburnt Tiger: You sir, have more pudding than sense!
Sunburnt Tiger: Ace of Clubs
Sunburnt Tiger: Chillin'
Sunburnt Tiger: Robots control my brain too
Sunburnt Tiger: Crazy Golf Pro
Sunburnt Tiger: Scooby Motion Blur
Sunburnt Tiger: I have an inferiority complex, but it's not a very good one
Sunburnt Tiger: Ace of Hearts
Sunburnt Tiger: I don't want to go there, Mrs. Torrance
Sunburnt Tiger: T-shirts
Sunburnt Tiger: Robots control my brain by remote
Sunburnt Tiger: ?ooD yboocS dluow tahW
Sunburnt Tiger: Skull & Cross Bones
Sunburnt Tiger: redael eht fo sodriew
Sunburnt Tiger: Lex and Amy
Sunburnt Tiger: Still Manic...
Sunburnt Tiger: What would Scooby Doo?
Sunburnt Tiger: Thursday is the new Black
Sunburnt Tiger: Siege Weaponry
Sunburnt Tiger: Choose Your Weapon (prototype)
Sunburnt Tiger: Pirates float my boat!
Sunburnt Tiger: i juggle ocelots
Sunburnt Tiger: Don't Shoot the Messenger