One Laptop per Child: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Atse Naod deployment
One Laptop per Child: Mulusayoo deployment
One Laptop per Child: Summer 2008: students in Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Atse Naod deployment
One Laptop per Child: Papua New Guinea: Gaire #3
One Laptop per Child: OLPC Rwanda Workshop Day 2
One Laptop per Child: Children and XOs in Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Atse Naod children
One Laptop per Child: Children and XOs in Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Children and XOs in Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Pinoy's have first XO-1
One Laptop per Child: Sarawak, Borneo
One Laptop per Child: I got mister Teacher on the screen!
One Laptop per Child: Ferreñafe
One Laptop per Child: Who is looking who?
One Laptop per Child: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
One Laptop per Child: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Self Portrait
One Laptop per Child: Papua New Guinea: Gaire #4