olliethebastard: pelican attacks a dog
olliethebastard: pelicans attack a man
olliethebastard: dees excited about the sea lions
olliethebastard: on the boat
olliethebastard: pelicans
olliethebastard: the candleabra
olliethebastard: natural bridge
olliethebastard: look at the birdie
olliethebastard: penguins
olliethebastard: sea lions
olliethebastard: natural cave
olliethebastard: natural cave
olliethebastard: sea lion stink
olliethebastard: remnants of the guano industry
olliethebastard: loads of birds
olliethebastard: loads of birds
olliethebastard: loads of birds
olliethebastard: sea lions
olliethebastard: sea lions
olliethebastard: sea lions checking us out
olliethebastard: sea lion shouting
olliethebastard: seal lion baby pool
olliethebastard: seal lion waving at us
olliethebastard: sea lions looking at the birds
olliethebastard: sea lions
olliethebastard: sea lion sleeping
olliethebastard: penguins
olliethebastard: natural cave