Let there be light (A.J. McCullough): Black-bellied Whistling Duck
mlachance04: Bruant des Prés
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Greylag Goose in the swim.
Bernie Condon: chaffinch
hazza3d: Hawkeye
Damien_Toman: 2022-04-21-R5-0043
hazza3d: Albert Ross and the gang
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Mother’s Day Strawberry Short Cake
hazza3d: Spread the word!
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Tiny Tiny Little Bunny
Geoff Sale: Lanner Falcon - #110 In Explore 4/11/2022
Geoff Sale: Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Geoff Sale: Great Horned Owlets - Peekaboo
Geoff Sale: Snowy Owl (f)
Jim Zenock: _MG_0075_DxO-001
koen_jacobs: Man with Dog
hazza3d: The red tails!
Let there be light (A.J. McCullough): Great-horned Owlet Feeding
The Library of Congress: Elephant and black bull, Fairway Golf, 1700 Como Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota (LOC)
hazza3d: "Are you looking at me"?
Kari Siren: Sunrise
Tall Guy: Pile of stones..
hazza3d: Another record!