Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Water droplets on a Leaf (Cropped)
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Water droplets on a Leaf
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Queen's Head On Coin
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Water Droplet on Dead Leaf
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Droplets on leaf..
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Droplets on leaf..
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: After the rain.. The droplet..
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Mr Spider's pearls
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Budding Twins.. HBW..!!
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Bubble Wrap..!! For Pauline..:)
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Welcome to my World.. !!
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: I think a crumble is due..
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Not much room left..
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Miniature World..!!
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: A magical macro world..