Olivia Rae James: caramel sea-salt brownies for sarah's birthday
Olivia Rae James: Saffire in the factory.
Olivia Rae James: canteloupe mango soup
Olivia Rae James: mom & nan nan, looking at chihuly glass in the gardens
Olivia Rae James: harsh light but pretty flower
Olivia Rae James: chihuly swans
Olivia Rae James: cheekwood botanical gardens
Olivia Rae James: vibrant flowers
Olivia Rae James: distant chihuly
Olivia Rae James: fashion exhibit at the frist center
Olivia Rae James: chihuley's paintings at the frist center
Olivia Rae James: my dad is a happy man when food is served.
Olivia Rae James: four cheese truffle oil mac & cheese
Olivia Rae James: friday night dinner.
Olivia Rae James: favorite sign at the franklin farmers' market
Olivia Rae James: the most delicious heirloom tomatoes i've ever had.