Olive Witch:
Josh grading on the plane to Dhaka
Olive Witch:
the madness that is baggage claim in Dhaka airport
Olive Witch:
Neeta's garden terrace
Olive Witch:
Neeta's guest room
Olive Witch:
Neeta's gorgeous guest bathroom
Olive Witch:
Zubi's light-filled bedroom
Olive Witch:
Neeta's showroom-like bedroom
Olive Witch:
Neeta working out cushion designs with the upholsterer
Olive Witch:
Hamida and the sewing kit I got her
Olive Witch:
phenom lunch (olive daal in the foreground)
Olive Witch:
man as container store
Olive Witch:
Josh outside Pink City Gulshan
Olive Witch:
man with broom and box
Olive Witch:
cousins! with Nibras, Anika, and Eka
Olive Witch:
a gorgeous spread
Olive Witch:
Maher, Raiyan, and Nibras
Olive Witch:
siblings! Buneka, Raiyan, and Nibras
Olive Witch:
fancy dessert
Olive Witch:
with Sabrina Aunty
Olive Witch:
Nibras posing with the parrot
Olive Witch:
bar hopping in Dhaka with Raiyan, Nibras, Buneka, and Josh
Olive Witch:
video of a train approaching near Soinik Club
Olive Witch:
afer a long day of walking in Dhaka with Josh
Olive Witch:
witn my cutie nephew Naki
Olive Witch:
buildings along DOHS Mohakhali lake
Olive Witch:
Josh and the Rahim Steel sign around DOHS Mohakhali lake
Olive Witch:
Madagascar periwinkle, around DOHS Mohakhali lake
Olive Witch:
Josh walking on the broken sidewalk and me walking on the street (and then nearly getting run over)
Olive Witch:
fairy lights
Olive Witch:
veggies, olive daal, and rui fish by Anwara the chef