Olive Witch: Michele and Dustin chatting in the most amazing living room area
Olive Witch: bird's eye view of brunch and the living room
Olive Witch: Simon, Dustin, Kate, Livia, and Sara in the lovely light filled play room upstairs
Olive Witch: Simon, Kate, and Josh hanging
Olive Witch: Josh and Michele
Olive Witch: Kate with her guitar
Olive Witch: Livia and Michele and a stupendous brunch by Aki
Olive Witch: Simon, Aki, Kate, and Dustin
Olive Witch: Livia, Alice, Kate, Luna, and Simon (1)
Olive Witch: Livia, Alice, Kate, Luna, and Simon (2)
Olive Witch: Dustin and Luna and the trees and sky
Olive Witch: with Michele, Josh, Alice, Livia, Sara, Dustin, Kate, and Luna (1)
Olive Witch: with Michele, Josh, Alice, Livia, Sara, Dustin, Kate, and Luna (2)
Olive Witch: selfie with Michele, Josh, Alice, Livia, Sara, Simon, Dustin, Kate, and Luna
Olive Witch: Dustin and Simon huggles
Olive Witch: Kate about to perform (Luna underfoot)
Olive Witch: Kate singing and playing guitar
Olive Witch: Simon and Aki
Olive Witch: Simon and Dustin
Olive Witch: Simon playing keyboard
Olive Witch: jam session with Simon, Alice, Josh, and Kate (1)
Olive Witch: jam session with Simon, Alice, Josh, and Kate (2)
Olive Witch: Dustin and Simon horsing around
Olive Witch: funny video of Dustin and Simon play-wrestling
Olive Witch: Aki making (amazing dinner)
Olive Witch: Aki laying out dish after tremendous dish
Olive Witch: Dustin and Aki setting up for dinner
Olive Witch: dinner in LI: Sara, Livia, Alice, Josh, me, Dustin, Simon, Michele, and Kate (1)
Olive Witch: dinner in LI: Sara, Livia, Alice, Josh, me, Dustin, Simon, Michele, and Kate (2)