Olive Witch: PEN World Voices Festival
Olive Witch: 'New York in all its delicious deliriousness...' - Farah Jasmine Griffin
Olive Witch: meeting my amazing artist host at Westbeth, Elisa Decker (photo by PEN)
Olive Witch: in Elisa's amazing apartment (photo by PEN)
Olive Witch: with Elisa (photo by Cynthia)
Olive Witch: Idra Novey
Olive Witch: with Tanwi
Olive Witch: the fabulous stationary set I got from Felix Doolittle in Boston
Olive Witch: Secret Science lecture by Martin Blaser
Olive Witch: Taaniya, Mark, and Rahim
Olive Witch: Josh with his new pink hair
Olive Witch: Jen Williams' fab architectural urban scupltures
Olive Witch: Shahnaz, bad ass biker
Olive Witch: Sheba Karim at the launch of her YA novel, That Thing We Call a Heart
Olive Witch: Sheba on a YA panel
Olive Witch: Sheba signing Josh's copy
Olive Witch: Josh, Anand, Sheba, Amit, me, Rahim, Kebra, Mark, Harris, Andrea, and Cynthia
Olive Witch: Mark, Josh, and Andrea
Olive Witch: when Jamie and Leeila came to visit
Olive Witch: Leeila
Olive Witch: Jamie and Leeila, 1
Olive Witch: Jamie and Leeila, 2
Olive Witch: Leeila and Josh, 1
Olive Witch: Leeila and Josh, 2
Olive Witch: the Intrepid
Olive Witch: with Kismet Mama, Sharon Mami, and Josh
Olive Witch: this lovely piece of bark I found hiking Lion's Head
Olive Witch: Arif's bark art
Olive Witch: Dr. ATR Rahman, president of VAB
Olive Witch: Kismet Mama and Dr. Rahman talking about VAB