Olive Witch: A and J sausages with eggs and potatoes (made by Josh)
Olive Witch: Wo Chan aka Pearl Harbor, post performance
Olive Witch: Wo Chan aka Pearl Harbor, dreamy
Olive Witch: Rob Rusli aka Ohyung
Olive Witch: the inside of the beautiful newly restored reading rooms at the NYPL
Olive Witch: a Queens theatre group does a dramatic performance from Marina Budhos' latest novel, Watched
Olive Witch: Josh with our newly repotted Premium "Premie" plant
Olive Witch: Wole Soyinka in conversation with Taiye Selasi (to the right)
Olive Witch: Josh making blueberry pancakes
Olive Witch: When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama
Olive Witch: with Salil!
Olive Witch: my stash of Salil's books
Olive Witch: Cynthia hosting a debate watching party
Olive Witch: with Cynthia
Olive Witch: Dace serving drinks
Olive Witch: Rahim and Taaniya in line for sushi rolls
Olive Witch: Patrick and Cynthia
Olive Witch: Cynthia, Andrea, and Mark
Olive Witch: with Andrea
Olive Witch: the moment I lost faith in America
Olive Witch: an elephant from Nashville zoo, a handmade Thai flower from Jim and Ann's wedding, and a cupcake painting from Charlise in SF
Olive Witch: Amber belly chain pendants
Olive Witch: John McWhorter giving a linguistics lecture at Secret Science Club
Olive Witch: hallway and pull up bar
Olive Witch: Arif making dinner
Olive Witch: I love Cynthia's (old) NYC pad
Olive Witch: exquisite place settings for dinner
Olive Witch: this incredible looking pie (by Cynthia)
Olive Witch: Sara getting ready for the Margaret Meade film festival
Olive Witch: Sara lovely