Olive Witch: recording Olive Witch for an audio book!
Olive Witch: dinner at Jamie and Nate's
Olive Witch: Farah at the NYPL
Olive Witch: Josh and Baxter
Olive Witch: Farah and Erin
Olive Witch: breakfast reading
Olive Witch: Josh at the free books table at the Farmers Market
Olive Witch: amazing cauliflower art at the farmers market
Olive Witch: The Jackson Heights Momo Crawl
Olive Witch: Farah and Rahim eating momos
Olive Witch: Cathy, Rahim, Josh, Craig, and Joe
Olive Witch: Farah and Jee-won
Olive Witch: protesting anti-minority violence and discrimination in Bangladesh
Olive Witch: Minority Lives Matter
Olive Witch: Bangladeshi sweets
Olive Witch: Vote Here in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Bangla
Olive Witch: line to vote wraps around the block
Olive Witch: I voted in my pantsuit
Olive Witch: with Andrea before we knew
Olive Witch: Sharlene with her cousins
Olive Witch: Jee-won, Craig, and Josh
Olive Witch: with Sharlene
Olive Witch: Stuart and Sharlene watching the tragedy unfold on the screens
Olive Witch: Election drive of shame and Hinterlands devastation
Olive Witch: Leonard Cohen died
Olive Witch: tea and oranges in honour of Leonard Cohen's magic
Olive Witch: prescient words by Richard Rorty in 1998
Olive Witch: filmmakers talking cameras
Olive Witch: Ian eating fries
Olive Witch: filmmakers Melissa and Ian